Are all the images of galaxies are artistic impression ? - Universe real images
Are all the images of universe are artistic impressions or some real image of universe also exists ? This is a good question. And answer to this question is yes. Most of the images which are surfacing on the internet now a days are artistic images or creative simulations. But some of them are real and they are even more beautiful than the artistic one. Mostly the fake images which we often see are images of : Exoplanets with signs of life Black holes (except one ) White holes ( even not discovered yet and have a hypothetical basis only) Milky way( because we can not take image of a forest in which we live ) Exoplanets : Exoplanets are the planets which are outside solar system. Some of them supposed to have life. Generally, what we see are creative images in which they are designed in a manner which resembles earth. Image we generally see on internet : Image credit : Image of Exoplanets in reality : Image credit : NASA ...